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Circulation, only 200 copies
336 pages, 2017, A4+. 2,0 kg, 600 photos
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1940s – 1960s
The book The Automobiles of Foreign Diplomats in the USSR. 1940s-1960s. written by Alexandr Novikov tells of automobiles carrying employees of foreign diplomatic missions from the 1940s to the late 1960s. The author pays much attention to auxiliary vehicles, without which the everyday activities of embassies and consulates would have been impossible.
Humor and even sarcasm, intrinsic to the author, fit organically into the book.
The first part of the book The Automobiles of Foreign Diplomats in the USSR. 1940-1960. is finished. It is a kind of attempt to tell and show how foreigners moved around the capital of our Motherland and what places in Moscow were popular with representatives of the diplomatic corps. The author also tried to trace the fate of some of the automobiles and briefly describe it.
In the second part, the author will continue to talk about the automobiles and the diplomats that they carried from the 1970s to the early 1990s.